My Exact Daily Routine of $2,000 a Month Online Side-Hustle

My Exact Daily Routine of $2,000 a Month Online Side-Hustle
My Exact Daily Routine of $2,000 a Month Online Side-Hustle

My Exact Daily Routine of $2,000 a Month Online Side-Hustle

How to make extra money while working full time

Becoming a full-time freelance writer and online entrepreneur is a dream that thousands if not millions of people aspire to achieve.

Like many worthwhile things, becoming one takes time and a lot of hard work.

For many people (myself included), it all starts when you're working a full-time job.

Also, this full-time job is something you're trying to get out of.

Enter: the art of The Side Hustle.

There has been a lot of talk about side hustles in the last 5 years or so. What is a side hustle? According to the  Oberlo, a side hustle is:

"A way to earn money outside of your 9 to 5 job. It allows you to earn more money that will give you the freedom to pursue your passions, buy things you need or want, and reduce any financial worries.

The truth is that , most of  9 to 5 jobs don't pay the bills. Especially if you're just starting out in your career."

Personally, he would take the last paragraph a bit further by saying, "The truth is, most 9-to-5 jobs don't pay the bills. Plus, they don't provide the kind of meaning and satisfaction one hoped for when starting out."

That's why a side hustle can be so beautiful and rewarding. Done correctly, a person can work toward a meaningful goal while also supplementing their income, sometimes in the thousands per month.

Now, a side hustle that generates a full-time income or helps supplement income for discretionary purchases can take many forms. For me, it took the form of writing articles online and using those articles to drive traffic so I could market and sell my digital products.

In this article, we'll go over the exact routine I used to build my $2,000 a month online sideline. I made that money by publishing content online as well as selling digital downloads and online courses.

We'll go over how to generate writing prompts within your niche, how to publish articles that make money, and how to drive those lucrative articles to the sale of your digital products.

Let's get into it.

Overview: the daily grind of the hustle and bustle

As stated, this article will illustrate my own personal hustle routine. Now that I considered it, I was personally working as a waiter at a fancy diner when I was making this hustle happen. This means that the hours I was responsible for at that full-time job ranged from 3:30 p.m. m. until 12 a.m. m. every day.

Plus, I wasn't completely beholden to the traditional weekday schedule.

For you, consider the time structure of the side hustle and apply it to your own daily and weekly schedule.

You see, with my schedule, I was getting a lot of the hustle done before my full-time work obligations. If you work primarily morning to night (like a traditional 9-5 schedule), you may need to change what is listed in this article.

The morning hustle routine

Below are the approximate times as well as the activities that were carried out in the respective times.

Busy side hours 6 am - 9 am

In the hours of 6am to 9am I would wake up, have a quick breakfast, head to the gym and work out, come back, have a bigger breakfast, shower and get ready for the rush of the work day.

I would read my to-do list (compiled the night before) with the tasks I needed to complete.

So I wasn't overwhelmed with homework anxiety, always making sure there were 3 homework assignments that needed to be done that day. These were tasks that he would have to do, with few exceptions. These were also tasks that required more than a logistical approach.

For example, a logistical approach would be to "read and reply to an email" and I felt like I could do that every day without writing it. It coincided with the logistics of the day.

The tasks that needed to be done would be something like,

"Write at least 800 words for a latest article"

"Complete sales page creation on WordPress website"

"Send an email to [Name of person] and discuss the possible affiliate partnership"

You see, it was more than just logistical work. It was a job that would keep sending me into the future as a side hustler with more and more accomplishments.

Now, this is all considering that I wasn't starting a new article. For that, we will move on to the next block of hours.

Side Busy Hours 9 am — 1 pm step 1

Once I had completed my morning homework assignment, I would prepare to write the articles that serve as the foundation for everything else in the sideline.

For this, I will use a very useful platform. That  platform is Quora.

For those of you who cant familiar with Quora. Quora is a question or answer based platform. Users can submit a question they want answered or submit an answer to a question that has already been submitted.

According to MarketingLand, the platform receives around 300 million unique visitors on a monthly basis. This is a very advantageous tool for the scammer side.

This tool is advantageous because it works as a write prompt generator for the hustler. Once again, let's consider that you don't have a lot of time to work on the side hustle. Writer's block can strike at any time. By using Quora, you can see in real time what topics are being discussed within your niche.

You can see which questions are popular (by popular, I mean millions of views of answers) and answer those questions as a post for your article.

That is what I would do. I'd take a few minutes, log into the platform, search for my niches (at the time they were self-improvement, personal growth, motivation, psychology, and more), then check the metrics for the question. I would take into consideration:

How many views of a question & answers are there? If there were more than 1,000,000 it would be a question that I also answered.

How many followers of the question were there? If there were more than 100,000 then I would answer the question.

How many responses have already been generated? If there were more than 100 answers already created, I would answer the question as well.

This technique helped me save hundreds of hours that I didn't have, since I had 8 hours that I had already talked about due to a full-time job.

I was once able to identify a question, something like "What is something a person can adopt today that will benefit them 5 years from now?" and reply to it using an online content article template.

My goal in this block of hours was initially to create one article per day and do it at least 5 days a week. Once I was comfortable with the process, I increased the quantity to two items per day. I thought,

"How bad do I want this?"

It's important to understand and accept: most of the articles I produced weren't going to gain much traction (if any). It wasn't about every item being cool, it was about producing items so they had at least a chance to be cool.

From there, when I finished the article, I would syndicate it on a platform that could really help me make money.

Side Busy Hours 9 am — 1 pm step 2

After completing my article on Quora, I would distribute it on Medium through the Medium Partner Program.

Now I am not going to go into details about Medium or the Partner Program; many of you reading this already know what is involved.

Again, considering the immediacy of this leading to side hustle quest, the beauty of syndicating from Quora to Medium is that you don't need to do twice the work. You are using the content that you already created with the help of your request tool and you are using that content on a platform that sees 60 million unique users (estimate) which can also help you make money.

Important to note: If you're working on Medium and you're not launching and publishing with posts, it's highly recommended that you do so. With posts, you can gain wider exposure with the help of your reader base (especially if you're just starting out).

Side Busy Hours 9 am — 1 pm step 3 (example for Wednesday)

After completing all the content-oriented tasks for my side job, I took it upon myself to communicate with my audience.

What did this look like?

Well, when it comes to online content creation and building an online business through digital content and sales, it's important that you build an email list. With an email list, you have more communication with your audience.

Now, using my own experience as an example, consider that this day is Wednesday. We would have to consider that, because that is the day of my weekly newsletter.

I would use my own email service provider and send an email broadcast to my email list. The stream would include anything from:

New developments that I wanted to share within the niche.

New articles I published (sharing with the friend link).

New obstacles that I or a member of the email list were dealing with (and how they overcame them).

New digital products you were launching

WildebeestYou do surveys asking my audience what they are looking for

During the rush, there is a lot of experimentation with the email list. That's the whole point. To understand your list, you have to experiment alot of try different things.

There will be "unsubs" who are part of the business.

If you rely solely on Medium to be your additional money maker, you risk losing an additional 30% income (I do and earned during my side job days an additional 30% monthly income from digital download sales and digital courses ) from the use of your email list.

Side Busy Hours 1 pm - 3:30 pm

After most of the side tasks were done (see steps 1-3), I was ready to tie up any loose ends before I had to head to my full-time job.

Again, I was working a full time in a profession that required me to  a work evenings & nights. For you, if you're working 9 to 5, much of the aforementioned routine will likely be adopted after full-time work.

Once I had completed my 2 articles, distributed those articles, and reached out to my email list for potential additional income, it was time to cut back on my tasks and forecast the next day.

What I did & was find a place where I could stop. I found that in the busy life of the hustle, there was nothing more frustrating than not knowing where to continue the next day.

If I was working on an article but couldn't finish it, I would jot down where I stopped and ideas for where I left off on my to-do list.

If I had identified a Quora question that I wanted as a message for the next day's article, I would copy the question verbatim so as not to lose it.

Everything was planned for the next day, so I had a clear vision and a set of goals to meet. Organization is key. You're basically balancing two jobs and it helps when you make a clear distinction of what needs to be done for the side hustle.

Once I was done setting the tasks for the next day, I would grab a quick bite and head to work at the restaurant.

I found that & when I wrote everything down for a next day,& I didn't think about it when I was at my full-time job. I was able to fully focus on that job (if anyone reading this has worked in food service, especially fine dining, you know how mentally demanding that job can be).

Full-time work hours 3:30 p.m. m. — 12 a.m. m.

During this 8-10 hour time frame, I would work my full-time job.

I am not going to talk about this at all because it is not what this article is about.

Side Busy Hours 12 am - 1 am

Once I got home from my full-time job, I would occasionally have an idea or two pop up about the next day's side tasks. If this were the case, I would put it on my to-do list as a reminder for the next day.

Other than that, this was not a time for production. Again, if you're on the other side of the schedule (you work from morning to afternoon), your side hustle routine will look slightly different.

I found that a good night's sleep was very important for the demanding days ahead.

Everyone will be a little different, but booking for vacations or scheduled time off, the only days I would really take a break would be Sundays. This is because as a restaurant worker, traditional weekends don't exist.

I also believed in myself and told myself that I would work hard to turn my side job into my full time job.


The global economic structure is changing and changing rapidly.

Gone are the days when you can secure a high-paying job that can last 35 years and into retirement.

The perhaps unfortunate truth for many is: your one-time income may not be enough.

Fortunately, however, modern technology has broken down the barriers to starting your own side job to help generate more discretionary income and a better, more satisfying way to get a full-time job.

You  have to know  that  how to do it.

A daily routine will help you get into the flow of creating a thriving side hustle.

Everyone's side hustle routine will have its own details and intricacies. The most important part, though, is that if you're interested, let it really get started.

"Don't wait: the moment will never be 'perfect'. Start where you left off and work with whatever tools you may have at your disposal and better tools will be found as you go."

― Napoleon Hill

Starting out, you will probably make a lot of mistakes.

You'll create a bunch of content that just doesn't seem to work at all, at least in terms of traction.

However, in the initial stages, it is not what you write about that is important. The important thing is that you sit in your chair or at your desk and it's justsieves.

Once the side hustle starts it will snowball, I guarantee it. Maybe three or six months from now it won't look exactly the way you thought, but it will start to take shape.

So plan out your hustle routine and start creating.

The world needs your voice now, more than ever.

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